
Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Our Strategic Plan 2024-2026

The Strategic Plan provides a clear framework for delivery of our mission. It serves as a compass, aligning our efforts with the wellbeing of our clients, staff, volunteers, referrers, funders and partners, all working together towards shared objectives. This is particularly important during a period of increasing compliance and persisting workforce pressures.

This plan charts the course for the next three financial years, with a keen focus on prioritising resources for maximum impact. To ensure our goals and objectives come to fruition, the plan is reinforced by individual service business plans and a rigorous reporting and governance framework that continually evaluates our progress, performance and impact.

Our plan is summarised around four vital goals of equal importance:


Goal 1: Fortify our Foundations

Using robust agency data and a sustainable performance mindset, we can optimise efficiency and effectiveness, better integrate the use of technology for staff and clients and leverage our strengths.


Goal 2: Cultivate Connection & Curiosity with our People

Relationships and people are core to what we do, who we are, and the impact we have. Taking a strengths-based approach to supporting wellbeing, learning and development will give our staff and volunteers the best opportunity to do their best work.


Goal 3: Obsess Over Outcomes

Improving individual and family wellbeing through challenging circumstances is core to our mission. Success hinges on removal of any barriers to accessing services and maintaining high quality, effective, and adaptable services driven by emerging evidence and consumer voice.


Goal 4: Deepen our Impact with Families and Communities

We must continually evolve to meet new and changing needs, funding and operating environments. This includes refining and deepening existing service provision, as well as developing new innovative services to meet emerging needs aligned with our mission.

These goals are more than just words on paper; they are backed by concrete actions and measurable milestones. This approach ensures accountability while allowing us the flexibility to adapt should this be necessary in-line with further changes to the operational landscape.

Download our Strategic Plan